vineri, 25 martie 2011

Ora Pamantului, 26 martie, 2011/ EARTH HOUR! 26 MARCH, 2011

Ora pamantului - 26 martie, 2011, orele 20:30 - 21:30
 La nivel mondial, in tabloul actiunilor de constientizare a problemelor mediului inconjurator generate de activitatea umana, se remarca o Campanie unica in istorie, care in 2010 a reusit sa atinga cca 1 miliard 300 de milioane de oameni din 128 de tari – Earth Hour. 

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating

Source: ParadorestTV,

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