marți, 11 ianuarie 2011

Langa un lucru greu, pune un motiv de bucurie!

O alta zi de marti... scoala, oboseala, elevi, note, lectii de dimineata pana seara.
Totusi, ziua de marti trece foarte repede. M-am gandit ca de-acum incolo, pentru fiecare lucru greu sa gasesc un motiv pentru care sa ma bucur. De exemplu, ma pot bucura in zilele de marti, pentru ca urmeaza ziua de miercuri, cand ziua este la fel de plina dar nu cu scoala, ci cu muzica :), repetitii si mesaj biblic.

Cei ce vă temeţi de Domnul, lăudaţi -L!Căci El nici nu dispreţuieşte, nici nu urăşte necazurile celui nenorocit, şi nu-Şi ascunde Faţa de el, ci îl ascultă cînd strigă către El. (Psalmul 22 : 23, 24)

Another day of Tuesday... school, students, notes, lessons from 8am till 7pm and I'm so tired. Still, Tuesdays pass so quickly. I was thinking that from now on, on every hard thing I have to do, to find a reason to be happy. For egg., I can be happy Tuesdays because Wednesday is coming, when the day its also full but not with school, but with music, reversals and biblical messages. :)

You who fear the LORD, praise Him! For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help. (Psalm 22 : 23, 24)