Printre altele, in e-mail am primit cuvintele acestea:
Undeva, in ciuda tuturor problemelor, realizezi ca zilele inseamna mai mult decat atat. Zilele sunt de fapt viata. Iar viata aceasta iti apartine tie.
Tie ti s-a dat viata. Si nimeni nu mai are versiunea ta de viata.
Iar tu, om al lui Dumnezeu, fugi de aceste lucruri, şi caută neprihănirea, evlavia, credinţa, dragostea, răbdarea, blândeţea. Luptă-te lupta cea bună a credinţei; apucă viaţa veşnică la care ai fost chemat, şi pentru care ai făcut aceea frumoasă mărturisire înaintea multor martori.
(1 Timotei 6 : 11 - 12)
I received something good today on my e-mail address, from the Day Spring team and I want to share it with you. The words are inspired from a book. Check the Day Spring site and see. I write about the site just because I love it and I love the work they do and the words of encouragement I receive from the site.
Somewhere in the midst of it all, it hit you. You realized that these days are more than ice cream trips, homework, and pimples. This is called life. And this one is yours.
You've been given your life. No one else has your version.
Live in the right way, serve God, have faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, grabbing hold of the life that continues forever. You were called to have that life when you confessed the good confession before many witnesses.
I Timothy 6:11-12