Se apropie vacanţa :) Am terminat cu toate drumurile in Timisoara, cu diplomele si cu dosarul din invatamant. Ma mai asteapta cateva drumuri la Resita, pentru ca in tara asta birocratia este la loc de cinste, dar ... asta e.
Momentan nu am nimic de lucru şi imi petrec timpul cu nepoata mea, Gloria Sara. O iubesc foarte mult. Are aproape 5 luni şi e adorabilă! Iată câteva poze cu ea :)
The holiday its almost here :)I am done with all the roads to Timisoara, with all my diplomas and with the papers needed for education job. I'll have to go in Resita few times for this job, because in this country bureaucracy means a lot, but... what can I do.
Right now I'm in the point where I don't have something to work and I spend my time with my niece, Gloria Sara. I love her very much. She is almost 5 months and she is adorable! There are few pics with her :)
Aici este cu mama mea. :) - Here Gloria is with my mom :)