duminică, 25 iulie 2010

Enjoying the rain

Buna, tuturor! Sper ca ati avut o duminica binecuvantata. Eu sigur am avut :) Astazi am ascultat doua mesaje foarte inspirationale la Biserica iar acum pur si simplu stau si cant siiiii.... ma bucur de ploaia minunata. Voi lasa toate problemele si ma voi bucura de seara aceasta cu o dulce si buna cana de ceai :)

Ar trebui sa faceti si voi la fel! :)

Bucurati-va de lucrurile simple!


Hello, everybody! I hope you all had a blessed Sunday. I sure did :) Today I listen two powerful messages at Church and now I am just sitting and singing aaaand ... enjoying the wonderful rain. I'll let all the problems away and just enjoying the evening with a nice, sweet cup of tea :)

You should do the same, no matter how hard life seems now! :) 

Enjoy the simple things!