luni, 28 iunie 2010
Una din prietenele mele, Ruth, mişcată de postarea despre Venţi, mi-a cerut să postez un mesaj din partea unei alte persoane cu dizabilităţi. Am observat că Rut este o persoană căreia îi pasă de ceilalţi.
Mesajul este scris pentru o emisiune tv. Am postat mesajul asa cum este. NU am editat nimic.
Sperăm ca Laurenţiu să treacă cu bine peste toate problemele şi Dumnezeu să îl binecuvinteze mai întâi cu mântuire şi viaţă veşnică iar celelalte lucruri i se vor da pe deasupra.
Matei 6 : 33 Cãutaţi mai întâi Împãrãţia lui Dumnezeu şi neprihãnirea Lui, şi toate aceste lucruri vi se vor da pe deasupra.
Ma numesc TUDOSE ION LAURENTIU domiciliat in****.TELEGA Sat.MELICESTI Nr.19 Cod.02167 Jud.PRAHOVA. Sunt o persoana cu dizabilitati locomotori in varsta de 30 de ani condamnat sa_mi petrec tot timpul intr_un fotoliu rulant. In urma cu 7 ani am suferit un tragic accident de munca rupandu_mi coloana vertebrala si am ramas paralizat de la briu in jos. Diagnosticul a fost unul foarte crunt pus de medici:TRAUMATISM VERTEBRO_MADULAR TORACAL: FRACTURA TASARE DE CORP T4 CU FENOMENE DE COMPRESIUNE MEDULARA, OPERAT. Dupa operatie un an de zile am stat numai prin spitale si centre de recuperare,apoi timp de 6 ani am stat cu chirie in apropiere de un centru de recuperare ambulatoriu pentru a putea merge pe jos cu caruciorul la tratamentul de recuperare.
Necazul nu vine niciodata singur in primavara anului 2006 din cauza ploilor abundente s-a produs o alunecare de teren afectandu-ne casa in proportie de 75% in care abia mai putem locui. Din partea primariei nu am primit niciun fel de ajutor. Au venit la fata locului si ne-au spus sa ne scoatem autorizatie de debransare de la energia electrica si de demolare a locuintei.Din vara anului trecut nu am mai avut posibilitatea financiara sa platesc chiria si tratamentul de recuperare si am fost nevoit sa-mi renovez o camera si sa ma mut la casa parinteasca afectata de alunecarea de teren. Apelez la emisiunea dumneavoastra cu speranta ca o sa veniti la fata locului pentru un reportaj. Iar cei cu o situatie financiara mai buna ma pot ajuta sa-mi continui tratamentul de recuperare. Ar fi pacat ca dupa 6 ani de lupta cu viata sa ma opresc aici din lipsa banilor.
Conturile sunt deschise la BCR sucursala CAMPINA pe numele TUDOSE ION_LAURENTIU.
One of my friends, Ruth, moved by the post about Venti, asked me to post a message from a person with disabilities. The messages it’s written for a TV show from a TV channel. I posted the message how it is. I did not edit anything. I will not be able to translate the entire message because of the medical terms hard to translate for me.
I notice at Ruth that she is a person who cares about the others and I will put the messages that she sent me. We hope that Laurentiu will pass through all the problems and we want God to bless him first with salvation and eternal life and all the other things will come.
My name is TUDOSE ION LAURENTIU. I live in Telega, Melicesti, Prahova, nr.19, code 02167. I am a person with locomotive disabilities. I am 30 years old and I am condemned to spend my time in a chair. Seven years ago I suffered a tragic work accident and I have problems at spinal column. I am paralyzed from the chest down. The diagnose put by medics was one very hard: traumatism spinal-thoracic. I had a surgery. After the surgery I was for 1 year in hospitals and recovery centers. Because of the rain, of the floods and the landslide, my house was devastated 75 % and we can hardly live there. From the mayor we didn’t receive any help. They came and told us to prepare some papers for the electricity and for the demolition of the house. I write to your television in the hope that you will come here and film and make reportage about me. And I ask those with a good financial situation to help me to continue my recovery treatment. It’s sad if after 6 years of fighting with this to stop here because of the lack of money.
Bank Accounts opened at BCR, CAMPINA on the name of TUDOSE ION LAURENTIU
TELEPHON NO :0721165713
tudoselaurentiu78@yahoo Please do not avoid my message. Thank you
sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010
My niece/ Nepoata mea - ŢUNDREA GLORIA SARA
Se apropie vacanţa :) Am terminat cu toate drumurile in Timisoara, cu diplomele si cu dosarul din invatamant. Ma mai asteapta cateva drumuri la Resita, pentru ca in tara asta birocratia este la loc de cinste, dar ... asta e.
Momentan nu am nimic de lucru şi imi petrec timpul cu nepoata mea, Gloria Sara. O iubesc foarte mult. Are aproape 5 luni şi e adorabilă! Iată câteva poze cu ea :)
The holiday its almost here :)I am done with all the roads to Timisoara, with all my diplomas and with the papers needed for education job. I'll have to go in Resita few times for this job, because in this country bureaucracy means a lot, but... what can I do.
Right now I'm in the point where I don't have something to work and I spend my time with my niece, Gloria Sara. I love her very much. She is almost 5 months and she is adorable! There are few pics with her :)
Aici este cu mama mea. :) - Here Gloria is with my mom :)
Momentan nu am nimic de lucru şi imi petrec timpul cu nepoata mea, Gloria Sara. O iubesc foarte mult. Are aproape 5 luni şi e adorabilă! Iată câteva poze cu ea :)
The holiday its almost here :)I am done with all the roads to Timisoara, with all my diplomas and with the papers needed for education job. I'll have to go in Resita few times for this job, because in this country bureaucracy means a lot, but... what can I do.
Right now I'm in the point where I don't have something to work and I spend my time with my niece, Gloria Sara. I love her very much. She is almost 5 months and she is adorable! There are few pics with her :)
Aici este cu mama mea. :) - Here Gloria is with my mom :)
sâmbătă, 19 iunie 2010
Viaţa în scaunul cu rotile - Jac Francisc Ventel (The life in the wheelchair - Jac Francisc Ventel)
Venti este un prieten pe care l-am vazut prima dată într-un spital din Timişoara, acum câţiva ani. Când un prieten mi-a spus ca vom merge să vizităm o persoană care e în scaun cu rotile de 14 ani, nu am vrut să merg. Ce pot eu să spun unei persoane care trăieşte aşa? Ce cuvinte să spui unuia care nu mai poate să meargă... Până la urmă am mers la spital, poate mai mult din respect. Tot drumul m-am gândit la ce să vorbesc, ce cuvinte de încurajare să am... Când am ajuns în salon, am intrat şi mă aşteptam să văd o familie necăjită, părinţi trişti care plâng şi Venţi sătul de viaţă şi tăcut... dar nu a fost deloc aşa. Toţi zâmbeau când am intrat. Din câte mai ţin minte, Venti vorbea la telefon atunci cu sora lui, cred. Pe măsuţa de lângă pat erau câteva reviste cu integrame şi o tablă de şah. A terminat conversaţia şi ne-a zâmbit. Nu mai stiu despre ce a vorbit Venţi atunci; eu eram uimită de comportamentul lui şi de optimismul lui. Nu era deloc o persoană distrusă psihic. Era mult mai optimist decât părinţii lui. Am plecat de acolo pentru că aveam examene.
A doua oară am mers singură la el, la spital. Am devenit prieteni, ba mai mult frati in Domnul Isus. Am aflat de cele 17 operatii pe care le-a suferit... si de asemenea, de faptul ca in urma accidentului s-a pocait. Desi sunt momente cand este trist si disperat pentru situatia lui, continua sa lupte.
Acum nu mai este internat dar este încă într-un scaun cu rotile. Are 32 de ani şi e paralizat de la vârsta de 14 ani când in urma unui accident si-a lezat măduva spinării. Cumplit! Dar când ne obişuim cu problemele nu mai suntem la fel de sensibili.
Am vrut să caut să îl ajut cumva, dar el m-a ajutat pe mine. M-a încurajat şi mereu se roagă pentru mine. E optimist şi îşi iubeşte viaţa aşa cum e. Se implică şi ajută unde poate.
Are câteva planuri pentru viitor, unele din ele le-a realizat atât cât s-a putut. Eu cred că cel mai bun lucru pe care l-a realizat este acela că se poate bucura de micile detalii, de lucrurile mărunte. Ii plac pisicile :)
Spera sa se faca bine intr-o zi.
Melodia asta e pentru tine, Venti. Eu nu stiu daca e posibila o operatie si nici costurile ca sa poti merge din nou. Dar să nu îţi pierzi speranţa şi nu uita că orice ar fi, esti de partea victorioasă. Creştinii sunt biruitori orice se întâmplă în jurul lor.
Venti is a friend I saw for the first time in a hospital from Timisoara, few years ago. When a friend told me that we will go to visit a person who lives in a wheelchair for 14 years, I didn’t want to go. What can I say to a person who lives like this? What words to say to someone who can’t walk anymore... After all, we went to the hospital. .. All the way to hospital I was thinking of what I could say to him, what encouraging words to have... When we arrived there, I expected to see a sad family, parents who cry and Venti tired of living... but it wasn’t like that at all! When we came in, everybody smiled at us. If I remember well, Venti was speaking on the phone that time, with his sister, I think. On the table near the bed, were few magazines and a chess table. He finished the conversation and smiled. I don’t remember what Venti said; I was looking amazed at him and admired his optimism. He was not at all a broken spirit. He was even more optimist then his parents. We left that day because I had exams.
Second time I went alone to the hospital, to visit Venti. We became friends, even more, we became brothers in Our Lord. I found out about the 17 surgeries he suffered... and about the fact that... after the accident he became a real christian. Even he is sometimes sad and desperate about his situation, he continues to fight.
Now he is not at hospital but he still is in a wheelchair.... He is 32 years old and he is paralyzed from the age of 14 when a tree a tree has fallen to his spinal marrow. Terrible! But when we get used with problems with became less sensitive.
I wanted to help him somehow, but he helped me. He encouraged me and he always prays for me. He is optimist and he loves his life just how it is. He gets involved and helps in what he can.
He has some plans for the future. I think that the greatest plan he did is the thing that he enjoys life and he enjoys the little things in life. He likes cats :)
He hopes he could recover and walk again one day....
This song is for you, Venti! I don’t know if a surgery its possible to make you better and I don’t know the costs, but don’t lose your hope and don’t forget that no matter what, you are on the winning side, on the victory side! Christians are victorious no matter what happens.
marți, 15 iunie 2010
Clasa a VIII - a, 2009/ 2010, Scoala cu cls I - VIII Coronini........
Nu as fi putut sa nu scriu despre ei, elevii clasei a VIII - a, 2009 - 2010, de la Scoala Coronini. Sunt o clasa de elevi foarte speciali, foarte buni la invatatura si foarte respectuosi. Pentru mine sunt prima clasa cu care am inceput sa predau fizica... Imi aduc aminte cum stateam in fata lor, plina de emotii si le spuneam cum ma numesc si ce pretentii am de la ei. :) Aveam emotii foarte mari atunci, fiind primul meu an in invatamant, si le spuneam ca uneori cand ii vedeam ca ridica mana la clasa, aveam emotii si ma gandeam ca poate nu voi stii sa raspund la intrebare!
E incredibil cat de repede trece timpul... Parca acum cateva zile am postat pe blog poze cu ei in micul nostru lab de info :D Erau clasa a VI - a... Mai jos sunt cateva poze cu ei, in cls. a VI - a...
(I had to write something about the 8th grade class, 2009- 2010, from the Coronini School. They are a class with special students, they study very good and they are very nice. For me, they are my first class with of physic when I start teaching... I remember very well how I was in front of their class, emotional and nervous, and I told them what's my name and how they have to be in my class. :) I was nervous that time, and every time a student raised the hand, I was scared and thought I could not answer the question!
Its amazing how time flies... Its like few days ago I just made pics with them in our small lab of info... :D They were the 6th grade that time... The pics are from that time....)
Sunt foarte speciali si ii iubesc mult... Au fost o clasa pe care m-am putut baza si cu care am avut rezultate bune la orice ora deschisa sau inspectie. Nu am avut niciodata probleme cu ei. M-am simtit ca in familie la clasa lor. Au stiut sa taca si sa fie cuminti chiar si atunci cand nu meritau certati... I-am chinuit la tabla :) dar vor vedea mai tarziu ca s-a meritat! Cu siguranta, prin ei s-a vazut buna crestere pe care au primit-o de la parinti. :)
Toti profesorii suntem tristi ca nu ii vom mai avea anul urmator, dar sigur ca viata trebuie sa isi urmeze cursul. Au lasat un gol in inima... :( Va fi greu ca la anul sa vad pe altii in bancile lor... cred ca mereu voi spune viitorilor elevi: aici a stat alina, aici a stat vasi...gheorghe, daniela, alin, deian, anoca, maria, mia, rebeca, nensi, adelina, ana, roxi, nicusor, gruescu, cristi, ... dar ok... sa nu dramatizez prea tare... :D
Le uram tuturor succes si curaj in continuare si le spunem ca sunt mereu bineveniti in scoala :)
(They are very special and I love them very much... They were a class I could count on and I had best result at inspections with them. I never had any problems with them. I felt like in a family in their class. They knew when to speak and when to shut up and be nice... even when they were been argued without to deserve... I made them hard times on the dashboard :) but they will see later that it was worthy! For sure, through them we sow the good raise and care their parents had with them :)
All the professors are sad cuz they will leave, but, of course, that's life. They left an empty place in my heart... :{ It will be hard next year to see other students in their places... I think I'll always say to the future students: this is where stayed Alina, this was Vasi's place, gheorghe, daniela, alin, deian, anoca, maria, mia, rebeca, nensi, adelina, ana, roxi, nicusor, gruescu, cristi, ... but, ok.. I'll try not to dramatize too much... :D
We wish them all success and courage in their lives and that they are always welcomed here in the school :)
E incredibil cat de repede trece timpul... Parca acum cateva zile am postat pe blog poze cu ei in micul nostru lab de info :D Erau clasa a VI - a... Mai jos sunt cateva poze cu ei, in cls. a VI - a...
(I had to write something about the 8th grade class, 2009- 2010, from the Coronini School. They are a class with special students, they study very good and they are very nice. For me, they are my first class with of physic when I start teaching... I remember very well how I was in front of their class, emotional and nervous, and I told them what's my name and how they have to be in my class. :) I was nervous that time, and every time a student raised the hand, I was scared and thought I could not answer the question!
Its amazing how time flies... Its like few days ago I just made pics with them in our small lab of info... :D They were the 6th grade that time... The pics are from that time....)
Sunt foarte speciali si ii iubesc mult... Au fost o clasa pe care m-am putut baza si cu care am avut rezultate bune la orice ora deschisa sau inspectie. Nu am avut niciodata probleme cu ei. M-am simtit ca in familie la clasa lor. Au stiut sa taca si sa fie cuminti chiar si atunci cand nu meritau certati... I-am chinuit la tabla :) dar vor vedea mai tarziu ca s-a meritat! Cu siguranta, prin ei s-a vazut buna crestere pe care au primit-o de la parinti. :)
Toti profesorii suntem tristi ca nu ii vom mai avea anul urmator, dar sigur ca viata trebuie sa isi urmeze cursul. Au lasat un gol in inima... :( Va fi greu ca la anul sa vad pe altii in bancile lor... cred ca mereu voi spune viitorilor elevi: aici a stat alina, aici a stat vasi...gheorghe, daniela, alin, deian, anoca, maria, mia, rebeca, nensi, adelina, ana, roxi, nicusor, gruescu, cristi, ... dar ok... sa nu dramatizez prea tare... :D
Le uram tuturor succes si curaj in continuare si le spunem ca sunt mereu bineveniti in scoala :)
(They are very special and I love them very much... They were a class I could count on and I had best result at inspections with them. I never had any problems with them. I felt like in a family in their class. They knew when to speak and when to shut up and be nice... even when they were been argued without to deserve... I made them hard times on the dashboard :) but they will see later that it was worthy! For sure, through them we sow the good raise and care their parents had with them :)
All the professors are sad cuz they will leave, but, of course, that's life. They left an empty place in my heart... :{ It will be hard next year to see other students in their places... I think I'll always say to the future students: this is where stayed Alina, this was Vasi's place, gheorghe, daniela, alin, deian, anoca, maria, mia, rebeca, nensi, adelina, ana, roxi, nicusor, gruescu, cristi, ... but, ok.. I'll try not to dramatize too much... :D
We wish them all success and courage in their lives and that they are always welcomed here in the school :)
luni, 14 iunie 2010
Two wonderful weeks with Neale's family
We had here a visit from our friends from Swaffham, England. I didnt know them and as usual, I didnt except to get to know them very well, cuz Im a shy person when it comes to foreign people. When Maria told me that she will not be able to come to church for translation and I will translate, I got so scared and didnt want this. Now Im very happy that Maria felt tired :D because this way I got in touch with our brothers and sisters from England.
I had a surprise to see that they are very special and different from many others, in the good way speaking. We talked and laughed a lot and I got so attached of them and felt so sorry that they left on Saturday. I cried! a lot! :( I felt like a part of my family just left.
I could not be with them two weeks but in the few days I could, we made some trips to the two schools where I teach. We had fun, we played ping pong :D and attend to the ceremony where the students take their diplomas. Im thankful to the principle of Coronini School, Mirela Calescu, for beeing nice with us and letting us participate. :)
Thank you, Neale fam., for beeing here and for your friendship! We love you and we pray for you!
Aaaaand Im waiting your next visit here! :) (pls, forgive my english grammar)
I had a surprise to see that they are very special and different from many others, in the good way speaking. We talked and laughed a lot and I got so attached of them and felt so sorry that they left on Saturday. I cried! a lot! :( I felt like a part of my family just left.
I could not be with them two weeks but in the few days I could, we made some trips to the two schools where I teach. We had fun, we played ping pong :D and attend to the ceremony where the students take their diplomas. Im thankful to the principle of Coronini School, Mirela Calescu, for beeing nice with us and letting us participate. :)
Thank you, Neale fam., for beeing here and for your friendship! We love you and we pray for you!
Aaaaand Im waiting your next visit here! :) (pls, forgive my english grammar)
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